5 Ways Fiber Can Help You Manage Weight Naturally
Struggling to maintain a healthy weight can be really frustrating - life is busy, time is short, so much conflicting information on what to eat! We get it. We’re going to cut through the noise and tell you the simplest...
Mood-Boosting Foods: Can Fiber Really Make You Happy?
We say it all the time: Gut health is just health. Whole body health, from head to toe, starts in the gut. Research on the gut-brain axis reveals that dietary fiber—a staple in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains—plays a pivotal...
The Fiber Factor: Beauty and Wellbeing from the Inside Out
Getting enough dietary fiber isn’t just about digestion—it’s the unsung hero of beauty and whole body wellbeing. From glowing skin to enhanced mental clarity, dietary fiber has emerged as a cornerstone of health. Research shows that fiber-rich diets support gut...
The mega impact of micronutrients
Did you know that the parts of fruits and vegetables we typically discard, like rinds and peels, are packed with micronutrients and prebiotic fiber? Floura Bars are revolutionizing how we think about produce trimmings by turning these often-wasted parts into...
Fuel the gut, fuel the whole
Explore the link between a flourishing microbiome and a fiber-rich diet